About Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and her Comments – A Sermon for Shabbat Zachor

About Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and her Comments –

A Sermon for Shabbat Zachor



I preface my sermon this morning with an unequivocal condemnation of the horrific act of terror and violence at the mosques in New Zealand yesterday.  Just as we Jews took great comfort and solace in the solidarity expressed on behalf of the victims of the massacre at the synagogue in Pittsburgh, we offer our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims in New Zealand, to the Moslem community and to the people of New Zealand.  As Ellie Wiesel stated years ago, “Our place is with the victims, not the perpetrators of such evil.”


I want to share two passages with you this morning from an ancient text.  The first one tells us:

“There is a certain people, scattered and dispersed among the other peoples throughout the land, whose laws are different from those of any other people and who do not obey the laws of the king.  It is not in your majesty’s interest to tolerate them.”


And the second one says:

“Behold, this people is too numerous for us.  Let us deal shrewdly with them, so that they may not increase.  Otherwise in the event of war, they may join our enemies and fight against us.”


The first is from the Megillah, the Book of Esther, which we read on Purim.  It is the justification offered by the scheming Haman for his plot to exterminate the Jewish population of Persia.  The second quote is what the Pharaoh of Egypt says to his people and advisers to explain his fears about the Israelites and his decision to isolate and enslave them, and to kill their first born in the opening chapter of the Book of Exodus. 


Though separated by hundreds of years and across the divide of different continents, countries and civilizations, both reflect canards and conspiratorial theories about Jews and a distrust because they are different.  Both attempt to rationalize their evil intentions.  Both level accusations of dual loyalty.  Both were expressed in halls of power and government.  Although the statements were uttered thousands of years ago and were recorded and memorialized in an ancient text, the sentiments have not disappeared.  They could have been lifted from today’s papers.  And although clearly there is no call for enslavement or extermination today, sadly, the spirit of contempt and distrust of Jews, the accusations of dual loyalty have been expressed, or more accurately tweeted by people elected to serve in the United States Congress today. 


Such hateful comments cannot be ignored, excused or rationalized. 


Shabbat Zachor reminds us of our obligation to recall what has happened to our people and the dangers of anti-Semitism. 


The most recent comments by freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar accusing Jews and supporters of Israel of manipulating the American political system through campaign donations is but the most recent expression of her ongoing fixation and antipathy towards Israel and its supporters.  In 2012, prior to being elected to Congress, as a Minnesota state representative Omar prayed that Allah would awaken the world because Jews exercised mind-control powers to hypnotize the world to mask their evil doings.  Those who have followed the career of the Somalia born Omar are not surprised by her obsession with Israel and its supporters.  The voters in her district knew what they were getting and who they were electing. 


She now has a national platform, and can and is using her position as a member of Congress to spread, disseminate and promote her anti-Semitic diatribes against Jews.  She has not questioned specific actions of the government of Israel, but has shown utter contempt and disdain for the existence of the State of Israel, questioned the loyalty of Israel’s supporters, and accused her fellow members of Congress of being motivated by and concerned only about money. 


(I have a question — Why, when she supports countries who are enemies of the United States, has she not been accused of dual loyalty?!)


Anti-Semitism is traditionally the place where extremists on the left and right meet.  While her positions have been endorsed by the clowns known as Neturei Karta and embraced by white supremacist David Duke there is justifiable cause for concern that her introduction of anti-Semitic claims are gaining acceptance and respectability in the mainstream of American political discourse.


Many in her party, such as Ted Deutsch, Nita Lowey and others have spoken forcefully and explained why her comments are so hurtful and offensive.  But some, including JStreet and individuals identified as Jews have given her a pass and tried to excuse, minimize or rationalize her hateful remarks.  Unfortunately, rather than unequivocally condemn her slanderous and dangerous divisive comments, a watered down resolution, which she interpreted as a victory, was passed by Congress last week. 


One of the clearest statements distancing himself from her approach came from New York’s liberal Democratic mayor Bill deBlasio who said in a press conference, “Let me be really clear, suggesting that support for Israel is beholden to a foreign power is absolutely unacceptable — and it’s illogical too. I believe strongly in the state of Israel. I don’t feel beholden one bit to a foreign power.  I’m a proud American who believes in the state of Israel and believes it must exist.  I happen to be Italian-American.  I never heard anyone suggest that because of my pride in my ancestral homeland, I’m beholden to a foreign government. It’s a really inappropriate comment. Unfortunately, it aligns with a history — for centuries — of that kind of negative comment being thrown at the Jewish community. There’s a long anti-Semitic tradition associated with that kind of comment.”


As DeBlasio reminds us this identity thing is complex.  We all have multiple identities and potentially conflicting loyalties.  A person can be a woman and a member of a minority ethnic group and an American.  The late Jewish comedian Alan King addressed the issue of Jews having dual loyalty many years ago.  He said we should not speak of dual loyalty, but dual love.  He used to say, “I love my mother and I also love my father.”  In other words, one does not preclude the other. 


For the record – the expenditures of pro-Israel groups on lobbying are estimated to have been in 2018 about $5 million.  Norway spent that much lobbying for doubling of spending on foreign aid.  And what about the amount spent by the 21 nations that make up the Arab League?  The United Arab Emirates alone, which operates a network of torture pens in Yemen secretly contributed approximately $20 million to the Middle East Institute, a leading Washington think tank, between 2016 and 2017.  In 2014, Qatar sought to gain influence and access by giving $14.8 million over a four-year period to the Brookings Institute, a foreign policy think tank. From 2015 to 2017, Saudi Arabia increased the number of registered foreign agents from 25 to 145, and poured $18 million into D.C.-based lobbying.


And for the record, contrary to what the Minnesota congresswoman claimed, Aipac, does not endorse or contribute to political candidates. 


Those who contribute to pro-Israel candidates, or pacs who support candidates who believe in a strong US-Israel alliance are no less patriotic than those who contribute to candidates because they agree with their stance on abortion, labor laws, civil rights, women’s issues, or any of a myriad of other causes that align with their own positions on different policies.  That is the American way, and citizen involvement is how a democracy functions. 


And for the record — Congress supports Israel not because of a zen-like hypnotic spell cast over members of Congress by Jews or because of campaign contributions.  Rather it is because support for Israel reflects our shared values and common interests.  It is because they recognize the ongoing constant threats facing Israelis and that it is in the interest of the United States to thwart the threat posed to Israel by enemies who seek its destruction.  Hamas, Hizbullah and other terrorist proxies of Iran who attack Israel are not just enemies of Israel.  They are also enemies of America, of freedom and western values.  And finally, let us not forget, the members of Congress support a strong US – Israel relationship because the United States benefits greatly from the scientific developments, agricultural advancements, innovations, intelligence and technology Israel shares with the United States. 


Omar and those who defend her have tried to portray her as the victim and said that the attempt to censure her is an effort to silence Israel’s critics.  But in reality, it is just the opposite.  It is a bogus charge and an effective means and calculated tactic to intimidate into silence Israel’s supporters, for they do not wish to be accused of stifling free speech.  The last time I checked there was no shortage of critics of Israel, its policies or government. 


So while Israel, its government, leaders and policies are not above criticism, we should not shy away from calling excessive critiques of Israel what it is.  Anti Zionism, the singling out of the Jewish state for criticisms not leveled against others for the very same grievances is the all new and improved packaged for the politically correct 21st century version of anti Semitism. 


On this Shabbat Zachor, Sabbath of remembrance, we hope that “this certain people, dispersed throughout the land,” and in its ancient homeland will come to be recognized as stated in the Megillah, for the light, joy and enlightenment we bring to the world and that we share, wherever we dwell. 




Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt

March 16, 2019

Congregation B’nai Tzedek

Potomac, MD