“Seeing is Believing”
As part of our ongoing outreach to younger children of members and members in their 20’s, “20 Somethings” (Generation Xers), organized a Shabbat meal for their contemporaries. I went downtown and met almost 30 young people for a beautiful Shabbat dinner, cooked primarily by Jason Symonds, who prepared two different types of chicken no less, as well as all of the supplements and desserts. We welcomed Shabbat by singing Shalom Aleichem, chanting the Kiddush and having a wonderful discussion.
The meal was hosted in the Party Room in the apartment building of Micha Weinblatt, who along with Lily Goldstein, Morgan Greenhouse, Andrew Haberman and Jason, pulled it all together. Already the young people are talking about exploring other opportunities for more sessions and programs.
We all should derive much nachas and be proud of our young people, as they are carrying on the B’nai Tzedek tradition into the next generation.
Also published on Medium.